Acheron Hall Mechanics Institute Inc. Committee 2022 -  2023
President Pamela Ross
Vice-President Barbara Gamble
Treasurer Sue Moran
Secretary Jan Fallon / Larraine Redshaw
Hall Management David & Barbara Gamble
Bookings Manager Barbara Gamble
Newsletter / Website Beth Thorp
Committee Members

Bronwyn Dobson
Noeleen Koller

Anita Rennie
John Thorp
John Turner
Judy Turner (Friend of the Acheron Hall)

Acheron Hall Mechanics Institute Inc. Annual General Meeting 2022
All positions were declared vacant and nominations called for.
A new President - Pamela Ross was elected and all existing office bearers and general members were reinstated unanimously. We welcomed a new member, Noeleen Koller, to the committee.

The past President's Report is attached.

Pamela Ross
0425 749 188
Jan Fallon
0419 871 483
Hall Hire:
Barb and David Gamble
0417 013 701   0409 228 873
Sue Moran
0421 082 854
Beth Thorp
0439 756 703